Paola Alejandra Martinez Duran

24 years old / Homeowner

She is a homemaker and is responsible for making sure her children have food and clean clothes. There are 5 people living in the house, including Paola, her husband and her 3 children.

José Benjamin Meléndez Ponces 

28 years old / Farmer / Paola’s husband

He currently works as a bricklayer assistant, but sometimes he is asked to work with the animals, plant in the fields or help with the bricklaying. 

Genesis Belen Melendez Martinez 

4 years old  / Paola’s daughter

She likes to play on her tricycle and with her stuffed mermaid.

Isa Benjamin Meléndez Martínez

2 years old / Paola’s son 

He likes to play with a Lego toy he has and plays with soil as well.

Jesia Isabela Meléndez Martínez

6 months / Paola’s daughter 

They have been living here for 9 years, on land that belonged to José's father, his inheritance. The house suffers from a lot of humidity and they live a few meters from the river, which is a source of fear, not only because of the risk of the house collapsing, but also because of lung diseases and the fact that the house is built on a piece of land on the edge of his land.