Cecia Raquel Membreño de Mata

35 years old / Homemaker

She enjoys attending church with her family.

Alison Raquel Mata Membreño

15 years old / Cecia’s daughter

She will be starting her first year of high school. She enjoys making arrangements, like table centerpieces, for various occasions alongside her mother.

Marcos Antonio Mata Membreño

11 years old / Cecia’s son

He enjoys playing soccer. His favorite subject is mathematics. He dreams of becoming an engineer.

The current house where they live belongs to her brother, but it has problems with the wooden beams, which are already cracked. The house was built 14 years ago. During the rainy season, the floor of the house becomes damp.

She feels very happy, content, and grateful to receive a new home, which is a great blessing for her family. She would like to first thank God and the foundation for this great help, as it is something very important to them. They do not have the financial resources to build a house on their own.