Judith Esmeralda Fores

39 years old / Employee

Judith is a single mother of four children. She wakes up at 4 AM to get ready and leaves food prepared for her baby. She takes two buses to get to her workplace. She used to work at another company as a packaging operator, but when she got pregnant, the company decided to terminate her contract. She now works as a construction assistant.

Juan Antonio Alcántara Flores

15 years old / Student /Judit’s Son

He is in 7th grade. If given the opportunity to continue his education, he would like to become a professional.

Henry Adalberto Alcántara Flores

10 years old / Student

He is in 2nd grade. He enjoys math and playing soccer with his older brother and friends.

Yaritza Esmeralda Castellano Flores

9 months old / Judith's daughter

Having a home of their own is a great help and a huge blessing for her family, as building a house these days is very difficult. Judith says: "Thanks to God and to each of the donors for helping the families who are in need. God will multiply blessings upon each one of you."