Roxana del Carmen Chevez de Gonzalez

35 years old / Homeowner

Roxana is a stay at home mom of 4 children (but one of them was at school at the moment of the interview), Roxana usually stays at home taking care of her children, especially 2 of them who don’t go to school. She has been waiting for the house for about 6 months now.

José Ines Gonzalez Cigarran

45 years old / Farmer / Roxana’s husband

José usually harvests corn so that his family can have something to eat. He has been together with Roxana for 20 years now. 

José Antonio Gonzalez Chevez

17 years old / Roxana’s son

José was born with a condition that made him unable to walk, he has to use a wheelchair to move around.

Claudia Eunice Gonzalez Chevez

8 years old / Student / Roxana’s daughter

Claudia had recently broken her arm after falling.

Mateo Josue Gonzalez Chevez

5 years old / Roxana’s son

Mateo spends his days playing with his brothers and sisters. 

A brother of Roxana's husband has now lent them the house, and they have been living in the same house for 12 years. The house is made of mud bricks and stones, but the floor is made of dirt, making it difficult for their son to move around freely. In general, the house is not in good enough condition for the family to continue living there.