Santana Del Socorro Chavez Guzman

38 years old / Homeowner

Santana spends her time at home doing house chores and taking care of her family. Some days, she goes out to do laundry at other people’s houses, but it is not a job she does every week. She is a mother of twins and a daughter.

José Martin Alejo Benitez

38 years old / Farmer / Santana’s husband

José has been with Santana for 5 years now, he works hard to provide for his family.

Andrea Beatriz Lopez Chavez

17 years old / Student / Santana’s daughter

Andrea is in high school now, she goes to school almost every day of the week and when she is at home she likes to help her mom with house chores. 

Their house was built by using mud and bamboo sticks, they built it 4 years ago, but with the past tremors that happened in January, the house has begun to fall apart.