Maria Rubidia Rodas

60 years old / Homeowner

Before becoming blind due to an illness, she used to go out to work every day to wash clothes and look for firewood, but now she cannot get around on her own. She will live with her husband and 2 children but her daughter Cristina, who helps her to do her things and get around was not at home at the time of the interview, . They have been living in this house for 13 years. And she has always wanted to have a new house.

Saúl Vasquez Garcia

75 years old  / Farmer/ Rubidia’s husband

He used to work for his family, but for the past year he has been suffering from an illness, which is preventing him from doing his strength work.

Saúl Alexander Vasquez Rodas

25 years old / Student / Rubidia’s son

Every day he goes to the city of Zacatecoluca to study. He is studying through a scholarship and also works part-time.

The family has lived here for 13 years . She asked God to give her a little house where she would feel safer for her and her family. Because in this house she feels very insecure and because the house is already very deteriorated. The Shelter house is an answered prayer.