Silvia Estela Rodriguez

35 years old / Homeowner

Silvia works taking care of an elderly person, her job is also to do house chores and to prepare food. She has been doing that job for about a year. She lives with her husband and her 2 children.

Jeremy Alfonso Rivas Rodriguez

16 years old / student / Silvia’s son

Jeremy enjoys going to school to hang out with his friends.

Melisa Estefany Rodriguez Rivas

12 years old / student / Silvia’s daughter

Melisa likes to help her mom to do house chores after school.

Cristian David Bernabé Rodriguez

5 years old / student / Silvia’s son

Cristian likes to play at home.

Their house is made out of laminate sheets and plastic, it was built 5 years ago and it’s not longer a proper place to live.