Gilma Yesenia Acevedo García

31 years old / Homemaker

She got a tumor on her matrix, and when her father saw her sick, he gave her the house where are living right now. She can’t work at the moment because due to her surgery, she has problems with her bladder so she can’t stand up for too long.

She likes to go out with her sisters, they all gather at her father’s house.

José Adrián García Arias

29 years old / farmer / Gilma’s husband

He doesn't work all year, only during the rainy season. When there's no job, he cuts wood, the most they can pay him per day when there's a job at the harvest, it's just $6. He works at a place that he is renting but the owner decides what they are going to harvest: beans, corn or sorghum. At the moment he is not working.

Carlos Esteban García Acevedo

11 years old / 5° grader / Gilma’s son

He likes to go out on his bicycle and play with his cousins, he also likes to paint. His favorite subject is Language.

Yanci Liseth García Alvarado

5 years old / kindergartner/ Gilma's daughter

She likes to play with her cousins , she likes to go out to her grandma's house.

During the rainy season, the wall gets humid;  the house it's very small, so they don't have privacy.  Gilma felt really happy about the house, because the place where they live get’s everything very dusty, so now everything will be different.“Thank you so much, thanks to the Lord and everyone who has made this possible, we feel really happy and can't wait to get the house”.