Maria Isidra Ramirez Jovel

39 years old / Does laundry

Does laundry and house chores at other houses. She usually spends the whole day at the house where she is working. She is a single mom who has been separated from her husband  for 7 years. She feels happy for the house, she also feels grateful to God and the foundation too.

María Yamileth Ramirez Jovel

11 years old / 5° grader / Maria’s daughter

She likes going to school.

Flor Elizabeth Aguirre Ramírez

7 years old / 1° grader / Marias daughter

She likes to study, she also likes playing with her dolls.

They have a lot of trouble with the house, they can’t make changes because it’s not their own place, they have been living in the same house for 2 years .  She felt really happy, she even got high blood pressure because of how happy se was. She feels grateful to them for getting her a house, she feels grateful not only for her but also for their daughters”.