Zenia Stefania Ayala Alvarado

21 years old / homemaker

They have been living in the same house for 2 years, she spends most of the time taking care of her kids and doing house chores. She likes to take care of her pets. She has dogs, a cow, and chickens.

Israel Jonathan Rivas López

34 years old / farmer /Zenia’s husband

They have been together for 8 years. The house where they live it’s owned by someone who lives in the USA .They were told that they could only use the house for 4 years.

Mayari Ivania Ayala Alvarado

5 years old / kindergartner / Xenia’s daughter

She likes to play with her little brother.

Jonathan Samael Rivas Ayala

1 year old / Xenia’s son

He likes to play soccer.

All the roof of the house is pretty old and has a lot of holes. She felt really happy because having your own place, it’s a different feeling knowing that everything will be different.