Katerin Vanessa De Leon Rodas

26 years old / Works at home

She has 2 children and tells us that she wakes up early to make breakfast for her kids. She takes her older son to school, who is in 2nd grade (he was not at home because he was at school), every day from Monday to Friday and then stays home to take care of her younger son. This is her daily routine as a single mother with two young children. On Sundays, she sells fruit, corn, and potatoes when there are soccer games from a community team, allowing her to earn money to support her children.

Liam Mateo Perez Deleon 

3 years old / Katerin's son

They have given her a small room to sleep in with her two children, and she also helps with household chores. Katerin was very happy when she received the news about the new house because, although she lives with her parents, she does not have the same privacy that she would have in her own house, which makes her feel excited and happy.

“Thank you very much for giving us a new house. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to live more safely and have our own home”.