Saira Guadalupe Mendoza

42 years old / farmer

She only gets to work shen there's no rain, at her job, she cuts sugar cane, fertilizes the soil and prepares it for harvesting. Her job is usually done by the morning. Saira is a single mom who has been living in the same place for 15 years now, at the new house, her 3 daughters will live with her.

Elena Nohemí Hernández Mendoza

18 years old / 9th grader / Sara’s daughter

She studies on weekends and during the week she helps her mom with the farming.

Karla Patricia Hernández Mendoza

11 years old / 5th grader / Sara’s daughter

She helps her mom with the work at home preparing cashew seeds.

The house has been deteriorating with the time and the metal sheets are not useful anymore, also the roof has leaks. They also get water inside the house through the floor. They feel grateful to God and those who are donating the house.