Mercedes Morales Ramirez

45 years old / Homemaker

When Mercedes is done with the household chores, she walks her children to school, which is 15 minutes from her home. She lives with her two kids and her husband, Jose Luis Cornejo, who is 56 years old. He was not at home on the day of the interview. Mercedes has been living in that house for 5 years. She and her husband built it, but the wood is rotting, and the mud washes away every time it rains.

Celeste de los Ángeles

11 years old/ 4th grader / Mercede’s daughter 

She likes to study and sometimes she likes to watch tv and play around.

Jose David Ramirez

5 years old/ kindergarten/Mercede’s son

Jose likes going to school and playing with his friends, he also likes to watch YouTube videos on his tablet.

“First of all, i want to thank God for the donation we are going to receive and finally we will have a decent home”