Santos Esmeralda Villatoro de Pleitez

43 years old / Farmer

She has had some health issued because of the long exposure to the sun, because she works as a farmer. But she still enjoys it.

Alex Yohalmo Pleitez Chavarría

56 years old / Farmer / Santos’s husband

Currently, due to an illness that does not allow him to work long hours under the sun, he cannot expose to work as much as he needs to.

Stefany Esmeralda Pleitez Villatoro

14 years old / 4th grader / Santos’s daughter

Stefany helps her mom with house chores once she is done with homework.

Alex Yohalmo Pleitez Villatoro

12 years old / 5th grader / Santos’s son

He likes to play soccer.

Ariana Elizabeth Pleitez Villatoro

9 years old / 3rd grader / Santos’s daughter

She enjoys going to school to play with her friends.

The house was built over 20 years ago, so with time, it has been deteriorating a lot, they have been living in the same place for over 18 years now.

“We all feel happy and excited about our new house”.