Karen Estefany Alvarado García

26 years old / Homemaker

She spends most of her day taking care of her 3 daughters at home. She has been living in the same house for 2 years now. At the place where she lives they only pay the bills but it's not their own place. She will build her house next to her mother's house.

Allison Grisel Amaya Alvarado

9 years old / 4° grader / Karen’s daughter

Her favorite part about school is drawing.

Bayleen Mariela Amaya Alvarado

3 years old / Karen’s daughter

She spends her day playing with her sisters.

Heyleen Itzel Amaya Alvarado 

4 months / Karen’s daughter.

“For them the new house is a big blessing because they will have their own place and a proper place to live”.

“I want to thank them for taking us into consideration, May the Lord bless them”.