Nuri Cecibel Hernández Gonzalez

27 years old / homemaker

She enjoys going to the river with her entire family when she has the time.

Ricardo Antonio Álvarez López

30 years old / Nuri’s husband

He works as a street vendor on buses to provide for his family.

Ricardo Antonio Álvarez Hernández

11 years old / 5th grader / Nuri’s son

Loves playing soccer and with his toy cars.

Josué Edenilson Álvarez Hernández

5 years old / Nuri’s son

Josué enjoys playing with his brother.

Carlos Alberto Álvarez Hernández

3 years old / Nuri’s son

He loves playing at home with his family.

“Nuri expressed her happiness and shared that receiving this assistance has been a tremendous blessing for her and her family”.