Doris Arely de Leon de Rodriguez

40 years old / homemaker

Doris lives with her daughters and her husband, Miguel, who sells candy at local shops. Both love spending time with their daughters and enjoy going to the river together on Sundays.

Diana Marlene de León

15 years old / High-schooler / Doris's daughter

She enjoys watching movies about lawyers and detectives, as she dreams of studying criminology. Diana also loves playing soccer.

Alison Favela de León

12 years old / 7th grader / Doris's daughter

Alison enjoys playing with her sisters and classmates. When she grows up, she aspires to become a police officer.

Jasmin Alexandra de León

10 years old / 5th grader / Doris's daughter

Jasmin loves mathematics and also dreams of becoming a police officer when she grows up.

Doris is deeply grateful to God for answering her prayers. Her father had promised to build her a house but couldn’t fulfill that promise before passing away a year ago. She also extends her gratitude to the Canadian team for this blessing. She knows that her father, watching from heaven, is happy that she will finally have the safe home he always wanted for her.