Juana Rivera

62 years old / Homemaker

She has been renting a house for about 2 years. Because of her economical situation, he has never been able to build a house. She raises animals and sells them too.

Deysi Ameibel de Figueroa

37 years old / Homemaker / Juana´s daughter

She likes to help her mom with the cooking and house chores. But she has a proper job, she works at a house in San Salvador 3 times per week, there she does house chores and laundry. She is a single mom.

Mario Edgar Vásquez

5 years old / Kindergartener / Juana´s grandson

He is a very shy boy, when he is at home he likes to play with his cousins who live close by, he is very excited about the house and he even plays on the building site.

Everybody was really happy when they received the news about the house, now they feel more at ease knowing that they will have a better place to live.