Bella Dolores Santos Opico

36 years old / Homeowner

She is a homemaker and works as a domestic worker. She has been waiting for three months to hear the news that she will receive a house. In her spare time, she enjoys watching soap operas.

Fidel António Guardado

50 years old / Farmer / Bella’s husband

He likes to go to the soccer ground to play.

Alexis Antonio Guardo Santo

11 years old / Student / Bella’s son

Mathematics is his favorite subject and he wants to be a professional soccer player when he grows up. 

Dominis Adiel Guardo Santos

3 month old / Bella’s son

The house was built 10 years ago by Bella’s husband. The house is made with bamboo sticks and mud. The walls have holes in them and this allows a lot of dust to get in, which has caused the baby to get a sore throat.