Helen Margarita Gonzalez

30 years old / homemaker 

Helen begins her day by preparing everything at home, including breakfast and getting her daughter ready for school. The family has lived in their current house for 12 years. The house, made of mud, suffers severe damage during the rainy season as water seeps in, eroding the walls.

José Geovanni Escobar García

43 years old / Farmer / Helen’s husband

José works with a relative helping in the fields. He recently suffered a facial stroke, impacting his health.

Odalys Yaneth Escobar González

8 years old / 3rd Grade Student / Helen’s daughter

Odalys dreams of becoming a teacher when she grows up.

"It was an immense joy to receive the blessing of having a dignified home, We are very grateful, and may God bless you for giving us this opportunity."