Esperanza Carrillo
47 years old / Takes care of someone
Esperanza has been working as a caregiver for an elderly man for two years. She has been living in the same house for nine years and she enjoys watching TV in her spare time..
José Francisco Pineda Ramírez
44 years old / Rancher
Jose has been working for 12 years taking care of cattle. He typically works seven days a week. When he is at home, he likes to play soccer in his free time.
Estefany Noemy Argueta
22 years old / Student / Babysitter
Estefany works as a babysitter five days a week, and on weekends, she takes English classes.
”What excites them most about the new houses is the opportunity to live in a better environment”.
“We want to thank God first, and also the Canadian team for giving us this house”