Ana Yamileth Ventura Lopez

30 years old / Homamaker

She lives with her husband and three children. She prepares breakfast for them in the morning before they go to work or school, and she also picks up the kids from school.

Karla Yamileth Alvarado

9 years old / Student / Ana’s daughter

She likes to play with her cousins and neighbors, and enjoys playing with her mom’s phone.

Jair Alexander Alvarado

4 years old / Ana’s son

He enjoys playing soccer and running.

Ana shared that one of the difficulties they've had in their current home is that the walls fell and collapsed, and everything inside got damp. This land belongs to her mother, and Ana plans to build her house there.

"My children will be very happy and excited about the house we are going to receive. We are very grateful and feel blessed by God and by the people who are using this opportunity to bless us."