Karla Maricela Flores Lovato

25 years old / Sells at a school cafeteria / Homemaker

She works from 6 AM to 12 PM, Monday to Friday. The school is close to her home, and after work, she takes care of her daughters. She enjoys spending time with her girls.

Ashly Dayana Flores

5 years old / Kindergartner / Karla’s daughter

She likes playing with her dolls and having fun with her little sister.

Karla Valeria Flores

3 years old / Karla’s daughter

She enjoys playing with her cousins who live nearby.

The house where they live has water issues, as whenever it rains, a lot of water comes in, and the house always gets wet. The children have been getting sick with colds almost all the time because of it.

"Thank you so much for the blessing of our new house. May God bless you abundantly."