Maria Higinia Escobar

49 years old / Vendor at the market

She shares that she goes out to sell every day, although lately, she has been going less due to some issues with people at the market. Maria mentions that her father has gifted her a piece of land where she plans to build her own house.

Kimberli Cristel Escobar Hernández

7 years old / Student / Granddaughter of Maria

She likes to play with her sister and enjoys painting at school.

Gretel Dayana Escobar Hernández

3 years old / Granddaughter of Maria

She likes to play with her sister and enjoys spending time with her grandmother.

The house where they are living belongs to the father-in-law of Maria, and they have been living there for more than 10 years. In the house they currently live in, they don't face many difficulties, except for the limited space, as more than 9 people live there, and it no longer feels comfortable for so many people to be in one place.

"I am very grateful for the house they have given us. I feel blessed because it is not only for me but for my daughters and granddaughters."