Neri Elizabeth Prudencia

36 years old / works at a store 

She is in charge of managing the hardware store. She works five days a week, but on her days off, she takes her husband to the hospital. She felt very happy when she received the news about her house.

Fermín Leodan Aguilar Murcia

43 years old / Neri’s husband

He has not worked for the past five years due to the kidney failure he suffers from. Only his wife is the breadwinner of the household. He goes to dialysis twice a week at the Zacamil Hospital in San Salvador.

The house was built eight years ago. When it rains, the walls of the house get washed, which is why they have covered the outer layer with cement. However, there are also quite a few leaks in the roof.

"We feel very grateful for this great blessing. Our gratitude is also with God because this is not something that happens every day."