Zeneyda Marisela Alvarenga Solorzano

35 years old / Employee

They both wake up at 5 AM every day to prepare everything to go to work, she works together with her husband, and Zeneyda also prepares breakfast for their children.

Francisco Cerón Méndez

43 years old / Zeneyda’s husband

They both enjoy spending time with their children and like to play with them.

Francisco Leonel Ceron Alvarenga

14 years old / 8th grader / Zeneyda’s

He enjoys playing soccer and likes going to school.

Josselin Maricela Ceron Alvarenga

11 years old / 6th grader / Daughter of Zeneyda

She enjoys playing and also likes going to school to spend time with her classmates.

Zeneyda and Francisco have been living in this house for 16 years with Francisco's parents. Currently, both work as public employees and from Monday to Friday. Their work is about 5 minutes from their home, and their children attend the community school, which is just 3 minutes away.

"We are very happy that we are going to be given a little house. I feel very excited because we will have something of our own, and we will feel safer."