Carolina Marilin Rodriguez de Mejia

35 years old / Homemaker

Carolina has always lived at her mother's house, she lives with her husband Jonathan (27 years old) who was working at the moment of the interview, and her son. For her, this house is a good opportunity to have a proper place to live, a place where they can live by themselves as a family. The house is of big importance for her and her family, it’s a safe place for them and a new beginning as a family.

Jonathan José Mejia Rodríguez 

6 years old / kindergartner/ Carolina’s son

He likes to read, to draw also when he is at home he likes it when someone reads for him.

At their current place, the floor is always humid and there's a lot of leaks through the roof, and the laminate pieces are old and dusty.

“We as a family feel grateful, not everybody has the opportunity to build a home, may the Lord keep on blessing you and providing for you so that you can keep on helping others. Thank you for helping us to make our dreams come true”.