Elma Yaneth Garcia de Lovo

48 years old / Homemaker

Elma has been living in the same house for 3 years now, the house where they live it was originally just a warehouse and they closed the walls of the house. Elma spends her day taking care of her 8 children! They are a big but united family, all of her children will live with her at the new house. Elma has a busy routine, the first thing that she does is prepare breakfast for her husband before he goes to work, them she helps her daughter before they go to school.

Santos Neftalí Lovo Navarrete

52 years old / Constructor helper

He goes to work every day of the week as an albañil, but he only has Saturdays off. He is the main provider of his family.

Katerin Rebeca Lovo

 24 years old / Elma’s daughter

She is not working at the moment but she helps her mom to do house chores at home.

Neftalí Alexander Lovo Garcia

23 years old / Elma’s son

He works only occasionally, whenever he gets the chance; he usually works in the fields.

Marcos Antonio Lovo Garcia

20 years old / Elma’s son

Like his older brother, he only works when some work comes up from time to time.

Noemy Carolina Lovo Garcia

17 years old / Elma’s daughter

She spends her day at home, sharing the house chores with her mom and her sisters.

Nehemias Isai Lovo Garcia

15 years old / 8th grader / Elma’s son

He is a dedicated student, he likes to do homework and play with his friends.

Isabela Sarai Lovo Garcia

13 years old / 5th grader / Elma’s daughter

She likes to help her mom to do house chores. But she also enjoys going to school.

Loida Eunice Lovo Garcia

9 years old / 3th grader / Elma’s daughter

Loida likes school, and also likes to play with her cousin who lives close by.

For her the house will be a proper place for all of them to live because their current house is in a bad condition for them to keep on living,

“We as a family feel grateful to God, also the team and Shelter, thank you for helping us, this house is of big help for us. May the Lord bless you for this blessing.”