Mercedes Melendez 

54 years old / Homemaker

At the place where she lives, Mercedes only pays the bills. She spends her days doing house chores and taking care of her grandchildren. She has been living in the same house for 13 years. For her, the new house is a place where they can feel safer.

Carlos Gomez 

63 years old / Farmer / Mercedes’s husband

Carlos has been a farmer for 40 years, growing corn and beans. Every day, he goes to the planting site to prepare for the harvest season. The produce from the harvest is for their own consumption. He and Mercedes have been together for 12 years.

“We want to thank you for helping us, this is the first time someone has ever helped us, without you, we wouldn't be able to achieve anything like this”.


“They felt happy because nowadays all the materials for building are very expensive, so this is of big help for them and their family”.