Brenda Raquel Pineda Sigarán

24 years old / Homemaker

Brenda wakes up early in the morning to prepare breakfast for her children and then she has to walk 30 minutes to take them to school. At home, she also has pets and flowers that she likes to take care of in her free time. Brenda will be living in the new house with her husband José (34 years old) but he was not at home at the moment of the interview; and her 2 children. She feels happy about the new house.

Esteven Orlando Garcia Pineda

10 years old / 3rd grader / Brenda’s son

At school, his favorite subject is mathematics and when he is at home, he likes to play soccer.

Marjorie Guadalupe Garcia Pineda

5 years old / Kindergartner / Brenda’s daughter

Marjorie likes to draw and play with her classmates.

The house where they live at the moment was built 7 years ago, and one of their worries is that when it rains, the wind lifts the roof, causing many leaks. Most of the time, the floor of the house is damp.

“I feel grateful to God and the Canadian team for helping us with the house. This will be a big blessing for all of us.'"