Nubia Beatriz Cruz Cornejo

32 years old / homeowner

Nubia works making bread at a place near her house. She has been working there for about a month now. In the new house, she will live with her mom, her three children, and her husband but he was not at home at the moment of the interview.

Rocio Dalila Manzanares Cruz

13 years old / student / Nubia’s daughter

Rocio helps her mom to make bread when she has free time after school.

Anderson Moises Duran Cruz

7 years old / student / Nubia’s son

Anderson likes going to school to play with his friends.

Tiago Adair Duran Cruz

1 year old / Nubia’s son

Their house was built 7 years ago. It is made of metal sheets and wood but with time, it has been deteriorating a lot. They are having problems when the rainy season comes, that’s why they need a better and new place to live.