Juan Antonio Rodriguez Lopez

35 years old / Homeowner and husband
He works in agriculture and also takes on other jobs related to livestock. He will live with his wife, Blanca, who is 34 years old, and their three children.One of their sons, Antoni, who is 11 years old, is currently hospitalized. Their other son, Juan, is 8 years old.

Jonathan Antonio Rodríguez Larin

15 years old / Student / Blanca's son
He likes playing soccer.

They have lived here for 15 years. The land belongs to Blanca’’s mother, but she has given it to them as an inheritance. The metal sheets on their house have completely deteriorated, making it very difficult for them during the rainy season. Blanca (the homeowner) was currently not  at home because she was accompanying their son, who is undergoing chemotherapy.