Sandra Esmeralda Solorsano Morataya

37 years old / Homeowner

Sandra usually stays at home taking care of her youngest daughter, she also spends her time doing house chores and preparing everything before her husband comes back from work.

Elmer David Gonzalez Sanchez

40 years old / Farmer / Sandra’s husband

Elmer is a hardworking husband who spends his days working for his family. He has been together with Sandra for 15 years now.

Alexa Naomy Gonzalez Solorzano

4 years old / Sandra’s daughter

Alexa likes to spend her days playing at home with her mom.

Their house was built with bamboo sticks, wood and mud. Their main issue is that the house is dusty and old, which causes them to have respiratory problems. But now that will change with the new house.