Sandra Elizabeth Hueso Perez

22 years old / Employee

She works at a cooperative as a kitchen assistant three times a week. Her current house is a wooden cabin that she has modified to live in. Despite these modifications, during storms, leaks occur and water seeps onto the ground, causing significant humidity.

Manuel Armando Hueso

4 years old / Sandra’s son

Next year, he will start kindergarten. He likes to play and watch TV while being cared for by his grandmother and great-grandmother.

“First of all, thank God and the donors for helping us, as we are several families in need. May God bless you and may you continue to help many more families”

“I feel happy to have, for the first time, a house of our own. I am grateful to God for placing you in our path, as we would not have been able

to build something like this on our own. Now that we have the house, we will save to buy things to make it beautiful”