Carmelina Lliseth Toloza Beltran

23 years old / homeowner

Carmelina works as a babysitter for her nephews. She stays at home taking care of them and also does household chores. She will live in the new house with her husband and daughter.

Josueé Armando Flores Cordova

29 years old / Farmer / Carmelina’s husband

He is always working hard to provide for his family, he has been together with carmelina for 5 years now.

Dayana Michelle Flores Toloza

4 years old / Carmelina’s daughter

Dayana spends her day playing with her cousins at home. 

Her house was built 5 years ago, she lives next door to her mother and her sisters as well. The house is old and the walls are moldy and not in the proper condition for them to keep living there.