Maria de los Angeles Toloza Beltran

32 years old / Homeowner

Maria works as a house maid every day of the week, she has been working there for 5 years now. Maria has always lived near her other family members.

Wilber Alexander Hernández Bermuda

33 years old / farmer / Maria’s husband

Wilber has been together with Maria for 13 years now, he is always working hard for his family.

Zaira Noemy Hernandez Toloza

11 years old / student / Maria’s daughter

Zaira likes to spend time at home, helping her mom with household chores.

Alejandra Elizabeth Hernández Toloza

8 years old / student / Maria’s daughter

Alejandra loves spending time with her mom and her sister.

Their house is made out of plastic walls and laminate sheets as well, the roof of the house is very vulnerable and when there are strong winds, it lifts. The floor is made out of sand and soil.